JOKER: The Impact of Meaningful Storytelling.
Wow. I can’t believe it. Only a little more than a few weeks ago, Warner Bros/DC’s Joker passed a billion dollars in the worldwide box office, becoming the first ever R-rated film to do so. So what can we glean from it’s success? That’s right, the real impact of storytelling and how it has moved people for generations.
Firstly, comic books are deeper than you think. Traditionally, comics derive inspiration from the society in which they are published. The stories mirror relatable situations and ideas that are prevalent in the points of history that they belong to. These comics have been adapted to match the social and cultural ideas of their eras and as such, comics present themselves as a form of social commentary disguised as a fun, visual story. Joker, while grander in it’s execution, also possesses this depth and likeness to the times that not only we, but also the protagonist -Arthur Fleck- lives in. Through the success of this film, it is clear that the value of the comic book storytelling medium is still as relevant today as it was during World War II.
The sheer fact that this film has become an international success is an indication of how well the story resonates with the audience. But why? While light-hearted and jovial movies (and narratives in general) can be great for audiences to enjoy, we can truly focus on going beyond entertainment in our stories.
Historically, stories have been used allegorically, such as the fables we tell to children to give greater meaning to our lives. To make a point as it were. As we progress through the ages, these stories get analysed, assessed and reassessed up until the point that there are countless different interpretations, once for each member of the audience. That, is the true beauty of the narrative, it’s personal. Joker hits on these tender personal nerves and that’s why it has been so well received. Each unique individual will see themselves in the scenarios occurring on the screen and every one of us knows the soul crushing experience of a bad day.
As humans, many of us seek to derive meaning and value from what we watch, be it to simply enjoy it or to strongly connect with the elements of the narrative. So, while Joker was a beautifully crafted piece aesthetically, the reason so many people went back to the cinema to watch it again was to feel that emotional connection with the characters and their actions.
That, is the true beauty of storytelling. It has a meaning that can resonate with most and is told to give value to our lives. Through deep and insightful films like Joker, we can achieve this beauty beyond entertainment and quite frankly it should serve as a reference for comic book movies in the future. While action packed ensemble pieces are great and exciting, we should not forget the emotional connections between the characters and their audience and utilise the visual medium to tell a good story. Once the story is perfected, every thing else will fall in place nicely, without the need to tick boxes or meet quotas. I hope we can learn from Joker and I look forward to the upcoming comic book movies after Joker’s smashing success!